lalbahadurshastripolytech » LBSP welcomes you - the blog himanshu Daxil ol

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lalbahadurshastripolytech : LBSP welcomes you
LBSP an INSTITUTE full of animation ,multimedia,DTP ,graphics & english speaking courses

special in:- computer,soft toys ,calligraphy & much more

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Yaradılması: 18/05/2010 14:33
Güncelle: 18/05/2010 14:38
Məqalələr 1
Şəkillər 1
Həftənin baxılıb 521
Cemi baxılıb 578

lalbahadurshastripolytech :: LBSP welcomes you

himanshu başqa heç bir blog var!

United States - himanshu
Mövqe: 9719/56779 İstifadəçilər

Öğeler qədim olan en sıralanacaktır!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Məqalə: many courses - 18/05/2010 14:38

many courses
BCC(Basic computer course)
DTP(diploma in desktop publishing)
DAFA(diploma in financial accounting)